Content 1989

Zaridze D.G.
Effect of a Level of "Tar" in Tobacco Smoke on the Risk of Tumour Appearance
Vol. 11     N1. - C.3.

Muskhelishvili L.V., Muskhelishvili G.D., Sharashidze L.K.
Up-To-Date Criteria for Cell Identification Under Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Vol. 11     N1. - C.6.

Stadnik V.Ya., Gamaleya N.F.
Application of Low-Energy Laser Radiation in the Experimental and Clinical Oncology
Vol. 11     N1. - C.12.

Novikov L.‚., Kalinovsky V.P., Knyazev P.G., Fedorov S.N., Tlevlesov N.J., Timoshenko M.G, Matveev B.V., Melnikov R.A., Seitz J.F.
Expression of Some Protooncogenes in Human Gastric and Rat Stomach Mucosa Carcinomas under Gastrocarcinogenesis Induced by N-Methyl-N'-Nitro-N-Nitrosoguanidin
Vol. 11     N1. - C.18.

Mizgireuv I.V., Mayorova I.G., Alexandrov V.A., Khudoley V.V.
The Imprinting Effect of Arochlor 1254 Under Metabolic Activation of Benzo(a)pyrene by the Rat Liver Tissue
Vol. 11     N1. - C.21.

Fedorenko B.S., Smirnova I.O., Parfenov Yu.D.
Dependence of the Ovarian and Uterine Tumour Incidence Rate in Rats on the Radiation Dose of Accelerated Particles and of Gamma-Rays
Vol. 11     N1. - C.24.

Shishkov V.P., Menshikova Z.N., Buzeraib A., Krikun V.A.
Electron Microscopic Serological and Hematological Study of BLV Infected Sheep
Vol. 11     N1. - C.27.

Nickitchenko V.V., Danko I.M., Andrushchak L.I., Teplitsky M.G., Kazmin S.D., Pinchouk V.G.
Morphometry Characteristic and Functional Activity of the Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Cells Being at Different Stages of a Cell Cycle
Vol. 11     N1. - C.31.

Struchkov V.A., Strazhevskaya N.B.
DNA-Bound Lipids of the Zajdel Hepatoma and Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Cells
Vol. 11     N1. - C.35.

Zolotareva A.G, Nikolin V.P., Yunker V.M., Gruntenko E.V., Budker V.G., Subbotin V.M.
Interaction of Plasma Membranes of Tumour Cells Metastasizing into the Lung with a Target-Organ
Vol. 11     N1. - C.39.

Wartanyan N.L., Luganova I.S., Blinov M.N.
Functional Changes of Natural Killer Cells from Patients with Acute Leukemias
Vol. 11     N1. - C.43.

Savelieva E.V., Kharlamova L.A., Baryshnikov A.Yu., Agafonov V.A., Tupitsyn N.N.
Expression of Antigens Detected by ICO Monoclonal Antibodies on the Surface of Cells Forming Granulocytic and Macrophagal Colonies in Semiliquid Agar
Vol. 11     N1. - C.46.

Baryshnikov A.Yu., Koubek K.
Standardization of Monoclonal Antibodies ICO-G2 Against X-Haptene
Vol. 11     N1. - C.48.

Pugachev K.K., Alexander S.K., Fidler L.M., Revazova E.S., Shimbireva I.‚., Terentieva E.A., Avdeev G.I.
Immunohistochemical and Radiological Study of Accumulation of Antibodies to the Antigen beta-1-MA in Human Tumours Transplanted to Nude Mice
Vol. 11     N1. - C.50.

Klyuchareva T.E., Matveeva V.A., Kashkina L.M., Kushlinsky N.E., Bassalyk L.S., Prilutzkaya M.O.
Secretion of E Type Prostaglandins by Tumour Cells After Their Contact with Effector Cells of Natural Resistance
Vol. 11     N1. - C.53.

Lavnikova N.A., Gorbatova E.A.
Cytostatic Effect of Syrian Hamster Peritoneal Cells on Transformed and Tumour Cells in vitro and Its Inhibition by Prostaglandin E2
Vol. 11     N1. - C.57.

Goretsky B.A., Berezhnaya N.M., Palyvets A.Yu., Konovalenko V.F.
Modifying Effect of Serum in Patients Soft Tissue Sarcomas on Interleukin-2 Production and its Activity
Vol. 11     N1. - C.59.

Erenpreisa Je.A., Sondore Ž.Yu.
Nuclear Achromasia Phenomenon as RelatedCell Activation for Proliferation
Vol. 11     N1. - C.61.

Gorneva G.A., Bergoltz V.V., Mladenova J.P., Smirnova Z.S., Nikolaeva T.G., Dobrynin Ya.V.
Action of Di-(2-Halogenoethyl) Hidrazides of Amino Acids on the DNA Synthesis in normal and Tumour Cells and on Cell Cycle Kinetics in Melanoma B-16 Mice
Vol. 11     N1. - C.63.

Demidova N.S., Goncharova S.A., Shiryaeva Ž.€., Šฎnovalova N.P.
Chemotheraputical Sensitivity of the Anthracycline-Resistant Strains of Mice P388 Leukemia
Vol. 11     N1. - C.65.

Lobko G.N., Porubova G.M.
Analysis of the Antigenic Specificity of Subpopulations of the Ehrlich Ascite Tumour Cells
Vol. 11     N1. - C.69.

Bonatskaya L.V., Plotnikov V.M., Nikolayev V.G.
A Decrease in Hematotoxicity of Antitumoural Drugs Under Enterosorption
Vol. 11     N1. - C.71.

Scheglovitova O.N., Ezepchuk Yu.V., Orlova T.G.
Effect of Staphylococcus Enterotoxin A on the Development of Lewis Carcinoma in Mice
Vol. 11     N1. - C.73.

Ganina K.P., Isakov V.L.
Automation of Cytological Studies in Biology and Medicine
Vol. 11     N1. - C.75.

Guslitser L.N.
The First Congress of Oncologists of the Ukraine
Vol. 11     N1. - C.76.

Garibyan D.Kh.
Estimation of the Carcinogenic Activity of Four Nitrosocompounds by the Test of Sebaceous Glands Disappearance in Mouse Skin
Vol. 11     N1. - C.78.

Ogloblina T.A., Rezvan A.G., Litinskaya L.L., Kondakova L.I., Kasumova S.Yu.
Effect of Hyperthermia on pH of the Gasserian Ganglion Neurinoma Culture Cells of Rat
Vol. 11     N1. - C.78.

Mariyanovskaya G.Ya., Kotlyarevskaya E.S., Barsukova L.P., Garkavi L.Kh., Kvakina E.B.
Activity of Rat Blood Lymphocyte Enzymes with Tumour Growth and Regression and Certain Adaptation Reactions of the Organism
Vol. 11     N1. - C.78.

Zilfyan V.N., Kumkumadzhyan V.A., Nersesyan A.K.
Antitumoural Effect of Tularemia Vaccine with Intratumoural Injection to Rats
Vol. 11     N1. - C.78.

Shparik Ya.V., Bilynsky ‚.’.
State of the System of Natural Killer Cells in Patients with Tumours
Vol. 11     N1. - C.79.

Volegov A.I., Turishchev S.N., Kudryavtseva E.N.
Effect of Implantation of the Thymus Tissue and Thymosine on the Delayed Hypersensitivity under Conditions of Chemical Carcinogenesis
Vol. 11     N1. - C.79.

Khesina A. Ya., Makhover M.S., Khitrovo I.A.
Occurrence, Formation, Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Activity of Nitro-Derivatives of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Vol. 11     N2. - C.3.

Vasiliev M.Yu.
Human Papillomaviruses and Cervical Cancer
Vol. 11     N2. - C.8.

Vasilieva L.A., Pylev L.N., Kiyanenko V.V., Nikolaishvili A.A.
Carcinogenicity of Silicium Carbide Whiskers
Vol. 11     N2. - C.13.

Basnakyan A.G., Bubnov N.V., Kirsanova I.D., Votrin I.I.
Activity of Rat Liver Nuclear Endonucleases and Topoisomerases in Diethylnitrosamine-lnduced Tumours
Vol. 11     N2. - C.15.

Novikov A.I., Alexandrov V.A., Zabezhinsky M.A., Stoljarov V.I.
The Influence of Ethanol on Carcinogenesis Induced by N-Nitrososarcosine Ethyl Ether in Oesophagus and Forestomach of Inbred Rats
Vol. 11     N2. - C.19.

Kotelnikova I.N., Pogorelov V.M., Ageenko A.I.
State of the Nucleolar Apparatus and Ribosomal Gene Activity in Mouse Embryonal Fibroblasts After Oncogenic SA7(C8) Virus Infection
Vol. 11     N2. - C.22.

Kazmin S.D.
Interaction of Ligand Molecules with Tumour Cell Membrane Receptors
Vol. 11     N2. - C.25.

Filatov A.V., Bachurin P.S., Markova N.A., Surnakova N.E.
A Panel of Monoclonal Antibodies to Antigens of Human Lymphocytes
Vol. 11     N2. - C.28.

Korotkova O.V., Baryshnikov A.Yu., Tupitsyn N.N., Chimishkyan K.L., Kostrykina V.N., Ovumyan G.Sh., Sandova O.M., Novikov V.V.
Monoclonal Antibodie OCO-10 to Thy-1 Antigen
Vol. 11     N2. - C.33.

Sergeyeva N.S., Vasiliev M.Yu., Kovalenko T.I., Sokolova N.V., Avdeyev G.I.
Distribution of One of the Ascitic Fluid Antigens of Patients with Ovary Cancer in the Malignant Gastric and Colon Tumours
Vol. 11     N2. - C.35.

Bazanova N.V., Seitz I.F.
May the Presence of the RNA-Lipoprotein Complex in the Human Sera Be the Tumour Marker?
Vol. 11     N2. - C.37.

Antcheva M., Boeva M., Tenev V.
Effect of Surgery on the Cytotoxic Activity of Natural Killer Cells in Lung Cancer Patients
Vol. 11     N2. - C.39.

Filatova N.A., Malygin A.M., Plescatch V.A., Fel V.Ya.
Regulation of the Natural Killer Activity of C3HA Mice Splenocytes at Early Periods After Transplantation of Hepatoma 22a Cells
Vol. 11     N2. - C.42.

Oreshkin A.E., Myasishcheva N.V.
Quantitative Estimation of Surface Membrane Receptors of Leukemic Cells to Blood Serum Transcobalamin II
Vol. 11     N2. - C.45.

Sheleg S.V.
Extraction of Low-Molecular Weight Fractions Inhibiting Proliferation of Leukemia Cells from the Spleen Tissues
Vol. 11     N2. - C.48.

Sidorova T A., Votkova M.A.
Correlation of 14C-Glycine Accumulation in vitro by Human and Mouse Leukemic Cells with the Positive Effect of Vincristine
Vol. 11     N2. - C.52.

Scheglovitova O.N., Ezepchuk Yu.V., Orlova T.G.
Effect of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin A-Sensitized Spleen Cells on Metastasizing of Mouse Lewis Carcinoma
Vol. 11     N2. - C.54.

Ostrovskaya L.A., Rykova V.A., Konradov A.A., Ivanov A.S., Korman D.B.
Pharmacokinetics of the Antitumour Agent Dimethynur
Vol. 11     N2. - C.57.

Sharashidze L.K., Turkia N.G., Lagidze J.R., Adamia I.K., Asatiani V.V., Kerdikoshvili E.I., Beniashvili D.Sn.
Dependence of Antitumour Activity of Some Derivatives of Nitrozoalkylurea upon Their Chemical Structure
Vol. 11     N2. - C.62.

Moroz T.D., Zinevich A.K., Kasyanenko I.V., Moroz V.L.
Effect of Indometacin on Immunological Indices in Inoperable Patients with Stomach Carcinoma
Vol. 11     N2. - C.65.

Mosienko V.S., Kuzmenko A.P., Todor I.N., Alexandrov S.S.
A Combined Use of Cryosurgery and Solcoseryl During Malignant Tumour Treatment
Vol. 11     N2. - C.69.

Chemeris G.Yu.
Influence of Sex Hormones on the Induction of Pararenal Angiosarcomas in Mice
Vol. 11     N2. - C.71.

Movsesyan M.A., Adamyan R.T., Pogosyan N.V.
Immunosuppressive Activity of Blood Serum of Patients with Carcinoma of the Corpus Uteri
Vol. 11     N2. - C.73.

Khodosova I.A.
Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis and Anticarcinogenesis
Vol. 11     N2. - C.75.

Khudolei V.V.
Mutagens and Carcinogens in Environment
Vol. 11     N2. - C.76.

Balitsky K.P.
Congress on Metastatic Spreading
Vol. 11     N2. - C.77.

Zhemaletdinov F.G.
Promotion of the Secondary Growth in Mycelial Fungi
Vol. 11     N2. - C.78.

Novikov L.B., Pluzhnikova G.F., Kalinovsky V.P., Knyazev P.G., Tlevlesov N.Ya., Timoshenko M.G., Fedorov S.N., Gulyaev A.V., Melnikov R.A., Seitz I.F.
Molecular and Genetic Characteristics of Protooncogens of the ras Family in Human Gastric Carcinomas
Vol. 11     N2. - C.78.

Baglei E.A., Danko M.I, Grinevich Yu.P., Sidorik E.P.
Lipid Peroxidation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Membranes in the Liver of Inbred Rats Under the Effect of Nitrosodiethylamine
Vol. 11     N2. - C.78.

Evtushenko N.V., Baglei E.A., Danko M.I., Sidorik E.P.
Peculiarities of alfa-Tocopherol Regulation of Free-Radical Processes in Blood of Inbred Mice with Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma
Vol. 11     N2. - C.78.

Khodosova I.A., Zakharova N.V.
The Role of Protein Kinase C in the Tumour Growth
Vol. 11     N3. - C.3.

Griciute L.A., Barauskaite S.V.
Carcinogenic Activity of N-Nitrosodipropylamine after Peroral Administration to C57B1 Mice
Vol. 11     N3. - C.10.

Golenko O.D., Ryzhova N.I., Myasishcheva N.V.
The Modifying Effect of Adenosylcobalamin on Transplacental Carcinogenic Action by N-Nitroso-N-Ethylurea in Organ Cultures of DBA/2 Mice Kidneys
Vol. 11     N3. - C.11.

Novikov L.B., Tlevlesov N.J., Timoshenko M.G., Kalinovsky V.P., Fedorov S.N., Knyazev P.G., Seitz J.F.
Expression of Proto-Oncogenes in Organs of Adult Intact Rats
Vol. 11     N3. - C.14.

Bogovski S.P., Bakai Yu.I.
Pigmented Lesions in Sebasles mentella
Vol. 11     N3. - C.18.

Mamaev N.N., Guishin V.A.
A Model of Interclonal Interactions Under Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Vol. 11     N3. - C.22.

Kukaine R.A., Nagayeva L.I., Tchapenko S.V., Ilyinskaya T.N., Vitolina L.A., Auzina A.K.
Study of the Allogenic Tumour Extract Effect on the Development of Experimental BLV Infection in Calves
Vol. 11     N3. - C.26.

Muksinova K.N., Mursina L.D., Kirillova E.N., Revina V.S.
Hematopoietic Precursor Cells in Wistar Rats with Acute Myeloblasts Leukemia
Vol. 11     N3. - C.29.

Urasova L.N., Podoplekin V.D., Stepina V.N., Ruzaev L.N., Kuznetsova T.I.
Antibody Levels to Epstein-Barr Virus Antigens in Blood Serum of Population from the South of Siberia and Far East
Vol. 11     N3. - C.32.

Bratus G.G., Darchuk G.F.
Transplantability and Immunogenicity of A- and Neuraminidase-Modified Lymphoma NK/Ly Cells in Mice
Vol. 11     N3. - C.35.

Kazmin S.D.
Peculiarities of the Protein Phosphorylation Process Regulation on Membranes of Tumour Cells
Vol. 11     N3. - C.39.

Lavrovsky V.A., Dobrunova E.P., Shcherbakov A.E.
Changes in the Growth Characteristics of Mice and Rats Fibroblasts During Tumour Progression
Vol. 11     N3. - C.43.

Syromiatnikov A.V., Alistratov A.V.
Changes in the Efferent Imputation in the Vagus Nerves on the Metastatic Spreading of the Lung Lewis Carcinoma in Mice
Vol. 11     N3. - C.47.

Lisnjak I.A., Sopotsinskaya E.B., Kudrjavets Yu.I.
Modifying Effect of Tumour Necrosis Factor on Angiogenesis
Vol. 11     N3. - C.50.

Novikov A.M., Makhova E.E., Travnikov M.E., Bassalyk L.S.
Ganglioside Content and Profile in Tumour Tissues and Body Fluids from the Ovarian Cancer Patients
Vol. 11     N3. - C.52.

Wiksler W.H., Ustinov A.S.
Lysis in vivo of Tumour Cells of Different Degree of Immunoresistance
Vol. 11     N3. - C.56.

Umansky V.Yu., Klyuckareva T.E., Matveeva V.A.
Effect of Prostaglandin E Produced by Malignant Tumour Cells on the Activity of Purine Metabolism Enzymes and Cytotoxic Activity of Human Natural Killers
Vol. 11     N3. - C.60.

Gromov S.A., Okulov V.B., Voytenkov B.O.
Effect of BCG and Cyclophosphamide on Antitumour Activity of Peritoneal Macrophages of Mice
Vol. 11     N3. - C.63.

Baumanis E.A., Birska I.A., Zakenfelds G.K., Volkova V.V., Luksa U.E., Liepa V.E., Kozhukhov A.N., Lidak M.Yu.
Cytological and Immunological Aspects of Antitumour Action of Polyhexamethylene Guanidine in BALB/c Mice
Vol. 11     N3. - C.66.

Berdinskikh N.K., Draga N.V., Zaletoc S.P.
Influence of Cyclophosphamide on Polyamine Excretion in Rats with the Guerin Carcinoma and Pliss Lymphosarcoma
Vol. 11     N3. - C.69.

Ismailov B.I., Mironenko N.I., Mustafina R.H., Nurgalieva K.G., Uteshev A.B., Omarov K.K., Krasnoshtanov V.K., Vakhtin Ju.B.
Changeability and Heritability of the Symptom "Level of Endogenic SH-Groups" in Cell and Clone Populations of Transplantable Tumours in Rats
Vol. 11     N3. - C.73.

Sergeev B.L., Bogovsky S.P., Tanner R.H., Veidebaum T.J., Shevtchuk I.N.
Aflatoxin B1 Photolysis in Presence of Pyridine-N-Oxide
Vol. 11     N3. - C.76.

Ryabukha V.N., Pogorelaya N.F., Veksler I.G.
Studies of Fibrinolysis System Components of Blood Plasma in Mice with the Lewis Lung Carcinoma
Vol. 11     N3. - C.78.

Balitsky K.P.
Psychosomatic Aspects of Cancer
Vol. 11     N3. - C.79.

Karpilovskaya E.D., Pliss M.B., Gulich M.P.
Effect of the Protein Quantity in the Ration of Inbred Rats on Endogenic Synthesis and Carcinogenic Action of N-Nitrosodimethylamine
Vol. 11     N3. - C.80.

Dryzhak V.I.
Prognostic Significance of Determining Steroid Hormone Receptors in Breast Cancer Patients
Vol. 11     N3. - C.80.

Zubrikhina G.N., Kiryushkina M.S., Parshikova S.M., Tailakov B.B.
Ploidy and Proliferative Activity of Primary Tumour Cells and .Metastases of Skin Melanoma which are Studied by the Method of Flow Cytometry
Vol. 11     N3. - C.80.

Volkonsky V.A.
Efficiency of Applying Magnetocontrolled Microcapsules in the Chemotherapy of Walker 256 Carcinosarcoma in Wistar Rats
Vol. 11     N3. - C.80.

Eremin V.F.
Structural Organization and Intravirion Interactions of Bovine Leukemia Virus Proteins
Vol. 11     N4. - C.3.

Beniashvili D.Sh.
Spontaneous Tumours in Monkeys
Vol. 11     N4. - C.9.

Phylchenkov A.A., Garmanchuk L.V., Ivashchenko Yu.D., Bykorez A.I.
Production of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) and EGF-Like Polypeptides in the Intestinal Mucosa of Rats During 1,2-Dimethylhydrasine-Induced Carcinogenesis and Compensatory Regeneration
Vol. 11     N4. - C.16.

Voronin V.M., Litvinov N.N., Shamarin A.A., Kazachkov V.I., Zhurkov V.S.
Study of the Dependence of Carcinogenic Effect on N-Nitrosodimethylamine Concentration in (CBAXC57Bl/6)Fi and noninbred Mice
Vol. 11     N4. - C.20.

Bespalov V.G., Troyan D.N., Petrov A.S., Morozov V.G., Khavinson V.Kh., Deygin V.I., Alexandrov V.A.
Inhibiting Effect of Thymogen, a Synthetic Analog of Thymalin, on Development of the Esophagus and Forestomach Tumours Induced by N-Nitrososarcosine Ethyl Ester in rats
Vol. 11     N4. - C.23.

Vasilieva L.A., Pylev L.N., Vezencev A.I., Smolikov A.A.
The Carcinogenic Activity of the Synthetic Chrysotile-Asbestos with Different Sizes of Fibres and Chemical Composition
Vol. 11     N4. - C.26.

Kharkovskaya N.A., Klepikov N.N., Krasnova T.A., Krustalev S.A.
Genetic and Oncological Characteristics of CBA/CaLacSto Mice
Vol. 11     N4. - C.29.

Pimenov A.M., Tikhonov Yu.V., Toguzov R.T.
Transport and Metabolism of Purine Compounds in Thymocytes and Spenocytes of C3HA Mice During Hepatoma 22 Growth
Vol. 11     N4. - C.33.

Patskovsky Yu.V., Voloshchuk T.P.
Transport of Thymidine and Its Incorporation into DNA of the Ehrlich Ascites and Zajdel Hepatoma Tumour Cells in vitro in the Presence of Thiotepa and Modified DNA
Vol. 11     N4. - C.37.

Baryshnikov A.Ju., Kadyrov H.P., Tupitsyn N.N., Kadagidze Z.G., Petrovichev N.N., Peterson I.S., Dastot H., Schmid M., Boumsell L.
ICO-63 Monoclonal Antibodies Against Differentiation of Antigen of Hematopoietic Cells Used for Immunophenotyping of Human Solid Tumours
Vol. 11     N4. - C.41.

Chissov V.I., Sergeeva N.S., Petrov A.N., Moroz I.A., Sviridova I.K., Skotnikova O.I., Pelevina I.I.
Evaluation of Proliferative Activity of Certain Human Malignant Tumours by the Indirect Imrnunofluorescent Method with the Use of Antithymidine Antibodies
Vol. 11     N4. - C.44.

Pugachev K.K., Shimbireva I.‚., Avdeev G.I.
Study of the Meconium Antigen Displaying Oncofetal Properties
Vol. 11     N4. - C.47.

Shevlyagin V.Ya., Shaposhnikova G.M., Snegireva A.E., Mertsalova N.U.
The Coleucomogenic Activity of Bordetella pertussis
Vol. 11     N4. - C.50.

Vladimirskaya E.‚., Aimanbetova A.M., Kolosova L.Yu., Tsurya V.M.
The Feeder Dependence of Clonogenic Fibroblasts Proliferation of Human Bone Marrow Under Normal Conditions and with Hemoblastoses
Vol. 11     N4. - C.53.

Muskhelishvili L.V., Manjgaladze M.V., Kenia K.Ts., Sharashidze L.K., Zodelava M.M., Barishnikov A.Yu.
Ultrastructural Characterization of Immunological Subvariants of T-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Vol. 11     N4. - C.56.

Filanovskaya L.I., Togo A.V., Blinov M.N.
Relationships Between Degradation of Purine Nucleotides and Their Biosynthetic Conversions in Blood Cells of Patients with Acute Leucosis
Vol. 11     N4. - C.59.

Ronichevskaya G.M., Zlobina G.A., Smirnova W.W., Smirnov P.N.
Studies on the Activity in the Growth-Regulating Agents Isolated from Spleen and Thymus of Healthy Cows and Those with Hemoblastoses
Vol. 11     N4. - C.63.

Tazhibaev Sh., Lenskaya E.G., Khasenova K.Kh., Karsybekova N.M., Alekseeva N.R., Bimendina G.‚., Amirov ‚.‚., Sisemalieva Zh.S., Edygenova A.K.
Influence of Carminomycin on Enzymic Systems of Metabolism of Active Oxygen Forms and Free Radical Lipid Peroxidation in Rats with Walker 256 Carcinosarcoma
Vol. 11     N4. - C.66.

Shiryaeva O.A., Semenova N.A., Sibeldina L.A., Goncharova S.A., Konovalova N.P.
The Study of Phosphorus-Containing Metabolites in Anthracycline-Resistant Murine Leukemia P388 Cells
Vol. 11     N4. - C.70.

Vyadro M.M., Firsov A.A., Terentyeva T.G., Kashina L.B.
Pharmacokinetic Substantiation of Antitumour Efficiency of Aclarubicin Under Different Methods of Its Application to CBF1 Mice with Carcinoma Ca 755
Vol. 11     N4. - C.74.

Lisnyak I.A., Sopotsinskaya E.B.
The Content of Tumour Angiogenesis Factor in Blood Serum of Mice Under Conditions of Growth and Metastatic Spreading of Transplantable Tumours
Vol. 11     N4. - C.76.

Baraboi V.A.
Carcinogens in the Hydrosphere
Vol. 11     N4. - C.78.

Anisimov V.N.
Role of Neuroimmunomodulators in Processes of Ageing and Malignant Growth
Vol. 11     N4. - C.79.

Kolyada T.I., Ogreba V.I., Antipova E.V.
Effect of Hypoxia on the Functional Activity of Macrophages in Mice of Low- and High-Carcinomatous Line
Vol. 11     N4. - C.81.

Mitrokhin Yu.I., Efremova O.I., Todorov I.N.
Dynamics of the Protein and DNA Synthesis in Certain Rat Organs After Administration of Diethylnitrosamine
Vol. 11     N4. - C.81.

Frolov V.E., Bakhmutsky N.G., Ripa I.M., Pyleva T.A.
Morphological Changes in Regional Lymph Nodes in Wistar Rats with the Transplantable PC-1 Tumour Under the Effect of the Vortex Magnetic Field
Vol. 11     N4. - C.82.

Volpe E.A.
Cytolytic Action of a Golden Hamster Neurophils on the Tumour Cells in vitro
Vol. 11     N4. - C.82.

Cherdyntseva N.V., Ogreba V.I., Vasiliev N.B.
Enzymic Activity in the Polymorphonuclear Blood Neutrophils of A/SN Mice with the Spontaneous Malignant Tumours
Vol. 11     N4. - C.82.

Glinsky G.V., Gut I.’., Ivashchenko Yu.D., Ivanova €.‚., Osadchaya L.P.
Effect of Sialoadenectomy on the Growth and Metastazation of the Lewis Lung Carcinoma in C57Bl Mice
Vol. 11     N4. - C.82.

Kotelnikov V.M.
Prognostic Significance of Tumour Cell Proliferation Parameters
Vol. 11     N5. - C.3.

Chuvykin M.B.
Role of Vitamin B6 in the Tumour Growth
Vol. 11     N5. - C.9.

Anisimov V.N., Likharev A.Ya., Vilenchik M.M.
Carcinogenic Effect of 5-Bromodeoxyuridine, and Its Reinforcement by X-Irradiation in Rats
Vol. 11     N5. - C.14.

Korosteleva T.A., Belokhvostova A.T., Panarin E.F., Nazarova O.V., Solovsky M.V., Potapenkova L.S.
Study of Immunogenecity of Conjugates Obtained by Chemical Interaction of Benzidine with Synthetic Polyelectrolytes
Vol. 11     N5. - C.17.

Pyatchanina T.V., Kartavova N.S., Gutnik N.S., Sidorik E.P.
Anticarcinogenic and Antiblastic Effect of Vitamin A under Different Regimes of Its Administration to Noninbred Rats in the Period of 7,12Dimethyl-benz(a)anthracene-Induced Mammary Carcinogenesis
Vol. 11     N5. - C.20.

Kusmartsev S.A., Ogreba V.I.
Suppressor Activity of Bone Marrow Cells and Spleen C57BI/6 Mice with 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)Anthracene-Induced Carcinogenesis
Vol. 11     N5. - C.23.

Abdrjashitov R.I., Bershadsky A.D., Kakpakova E.S.
Normalization of Phenotype of the Transformed Cells of Djungarian Hamster During Selection for Colchicino Resistance
Vol. 11     N5. - C.26.

Tsegelsky A.A., Lutsik M.D., Laszkaj A.F.
The Investigation of Cell Surface Carbohydrates of Neuroblastoma C 1300 with Cytochemistry and Lectin-Induced Agllutination
Vol. 11     N5. - C.30.

Balitsky K.P., Shmalko Yu.P., Pridatko O.E., Smelkova M.I.
Influence of Emotional-Pain Stress on Biochemical Characteristics of Stress-Realizing Systems and Lewis Carcinoma Metastatic Spread in Mice
Vol. 11     N5. - C.34.

Kozak V.V., Schlykhovenko V.A., Osadchiy P.V., Danko M.I., Sidorik E.P., Sigal V.L.
Structure and Dynamic Properties of Membranes of Ehrlich Ascite Cells Under DL-DFMO-Induced Polyamine Deficiency
Vol. 11     N5. - C.36.

Spasokukotsky A.L., Yudin V.M.
Characterization of Cellular Immunosuppression Models of Allotransplantation Reactions
Vol. 11     N5. - C.39.

Ferdats A.K., Bruvere R.Zh., Vitolina L.A., Petrovska R.G.
Mechanism of Immunomodulation in the Antitumour Action of ECHO-7 Enterovirus
Vol. 11     N5. - C.43.

Dontsov V.I.
Influence of Lymphocytes on the Inoculated Colonic Adenocarcinoma Growth in Mice
Vol. 11     N5. - C.48.

Baryshnikov A.Ju., Tupitsyn N.N., Korotkova O.V., Kadagidze Z.G., Dostot E., Schmidt M., Boumsell L.
Monoclonal Antibodies ICO-35 Against Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Antigen
Vol. 11     N5. - C.52.

Zhizhina G.P., Kogarko I.N., Troitskaya G.P., Vinogradova Yu.E.
The Local Despiralization of DNA From Blood Lymphocytes of Patients with Chronic Lymphoid Leukemia
Vol. 11     N5. - C.54.

Butenko A.K., Khomenko B.M.
Ultrastructural Characteristic of NKH1+- and CD8+-Subpopulations of Large Granular Lymphocytes in Blood of Patients with Hodgkin's Disease
Vol. 11     N5. - C.56.

Monceviciute-Eringiene E.V., Milasiene V.E., Characiejus D.A., Taraskevicius R.M.
Changes in Human Immune Homeostasis as Possible Oncological Risk Factors
Vol. 11     N5. - C.60.

Andrianov I.G., Katashkova T.N.
Influence of Autoplasma of Breast Cancer Patients on Functional Activity of Natural Killer Cells and Adherent Mononuclears of Peripheral Blood in vitro
Vol. 11     N5. - C.64.

Novikov L.B., Fedorov S.N., Jatsuk O.S., Tlevlesov N.J., Levanova G.I., Kalinovsky V.P., Seitz J.F.
Restriction Fragments Length Polymorphism of Haras-1 Proto-Oncogene in Patients with Carcinoma and Ulcer of the Stomach
Vol. 11     N5. - C.66.

Kotrikadze N.G., Jishkariani O.S., Tzarizidze M.A., Londaridze A.M., Gabunia G.D., Lomsadze B.A.
The Change of Lipid Peroxidation, Structural Condition and the Content of Phospholipids in Blood of Patients with Fibroma and Uterus Body Cancer
Vol. 11     N5. - C.71.

Kaledin V.I., Cheltsov P.A.
Efficiency of Cycloplatam in Its Free- and Liposome-Encapsulated Form under HA-1 Tumour Metastases in A/He Mice
Vol. 11     N5. - C.74.

Sklyarenko L.M., Abramenko I.V.
Immunocytochemical Methods and Monoclonal Antibodies as Applied to Practical Health Protection
Vol. 11     N5. - C.78.

Rubenchik B.L.
Ecology and Cancer
Vol. 11     N5. - C.79.

Chernyauskas L.K., Gritciute L.A.
The Effect of Se02 and Ascorbic Acid on Carcinogenesis Induced by the Joint Action of Styrene and Benz(a)pyrene as well as of Nitrosonornicotine and Nitrosodimethylamine in Wistar Rats
Vol. 11     N5. - C.81.

Yakhimovich L.V., Semenova-Kobzar R.A., Andrushchak L.I., Berezhnaya N.M.
The Effect of Recombinant Interleukin-2 Activated Lymphocytes Adoptively Transferred on Morphological Changes in Immunocompetent Organs of BALB/c Mice with the Transplanted Sarcoma
Vol. 11     N5. - C.81.

Lavrova V.S., Nebera S.A.
Peculiarities of Development of 3-Methylcholanthrene-Induced Sarcomas in Nonin-bred Rats Against a Background of the Artifically Induced Neutrophilic Leukocytosis
Vol. 11     N5. - C.81.

Smirnov I.M., Nadiradze Z.O., Shmalko Yu.P.
The Effect of Synthetic Antioxidants on IR-Spectrum of Total Lipids in Blood Vessels of Mice Under Metastatic Spreading of Lewis Lung Carcinoma
Vol. 11     N5. - C.81.

Pinchouk V.G., Guslitser L.N.
Rostislav Yevgenevich Kavetsky - a Man and a Scientist
Vol. 11     N6. - C.3.

Balitsky K.P., Pinchouk V.G.
Pathogenetic Aspects of Individualization of Prognosis and Prevention of Metastatic Spreading
Vol. 11     N6. - C.7.

Umansky V.Yu.
Role of Macrophages in the Antitumour Resistance During Metastatic Spreading
Vol. 11     N6. - C.11.

Tereshchenko I.P., Kashulina A.P.
Blood Cells in Realization of Tumour and Host Interrelations
Vol. 11     N6. - C.16.

Butenko Z.A., Baranovsky M.A., Tarakhovsky A.M.
Induction of Differentiation of the Leukemic Cells
Vol. 11     N6. - C.20.

Pyatchanina T.V., Sidorik E.P.
The Role of Membranes in the Mechanism of Anticarcinogenic Action of Retinoids
Vol. 11     N6. - C.27.

Kulik G.I., Pelkis F.P., Korol V.I.
The Organism Adaptation to Alkylating Antitumour Preparations
Vol. 11     N6. - C.34.

Berezhnaya N.M., Goretsky V.A.
Biological Effects of Interleukin-2 and Prospects of Its Use for Tumour Immunotherapy
Vol. 11     N6. - C.38.

Berdinskih N.K.
Polyamines and Their Use in Clinical Oncology
Vol. 11     N6. - C.45.

Vorontsova A.L.
The Role of Interferon in the Antitumoural Resistance
Vol. 11     N6. - C.49.

Dilman V.M.
Aging and Cancer: Determination of Strategy of the Ontogenetic Prevention
Vol. 11     N6. - C.54.

Vinnitsky V.B.
Oncogerminal Hypothesis of the Tumour Growth
Vol. 11     N6. - C.59.

Yudin V.M.
The Conception of "Artificial Tumour"
Vol. 11     N6. - C.67.

Kornitsky M.A., Zhuravlev P.A.
A Comparative Analysis of Diagnosis of Background, Displastic Processes and of Nasal Cavity Tumours in Noninbred Rats by the Data of Cytophotometry and Microspectrophotometry of DNA
Vol. 11     N6. - C.72.

Pylev L.N., Stadnikova N.M., Kulagina T.F.
The Effect of Ascorbic and Glutamic Acids as well as of Sodium Selenite on the Transplanted Pleura Mesothelioma in Noninbred Rats
Vol. 11     N6. - C.72.

Ushmorov A.G.
Evaluation of the Effect of Antitumoural Preparations on the Formed Tumours in the Experiment
Vol. 11     N6. - C.72.

Lezvinsky Yu.S., Atamanyuk N.P.
Accumulation of 85Sr in Osseous Tissue of Dogs under Intratissue Electrophonophoresis
Vol. 11     N6. - C.72.

Yashmanov V.E., Mitrokhin Yu.I., Shchelok E.P., Todorov I.N., Sibeldina L.A.
Peculiarities of Metabolism of Phosphate-Containing Compounds in the Liver of Nonlinear Rats under the Action of N-Nitrosodiethylamine from Data of 31P-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Vol. 11     N6. - C.73.

Benemansky V.V., Levina V.Ya.
A Modifying Effect of Alcohol on the Nitrosodimethylamine-Induced Carcinogenesis in Rats
Vol. 11     N6. - C.73.

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